CPU: AMD64 processors, speed 1993.12 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Cycles outside of halt state) with a unit mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 100000 vma samples % symbol name 00055528 2325 4.4093 anonymous symbol from section .plt 0011cac7 1970 3.7360 su_root_yield 0011655a 1709 3.2410 su_block_add 00121c7f 1473 2.7935 su_port_yield 00123550 1300 2.4654 t_next 001160c0 866 1.6423 sub_alloc 00117372 855 1.6215 _su_home_deinit 001171ca 691 1.3104 su_home_check_blocks 00070111 666 1.2630 msg_header_alloc 00125425 596 1.1303 tl_vlist 00123840 549 1.0412 t_end 000c65ad 477 0.9046 nua_stack_set_params 00121a67 475 0.9008 su_port_wait_events 00123f4f 413 0.7832 t_find 00124112 406 0.7700 tl_gets 00070081 404 0.7662 msg_chain_errors 0014239c 392 0.7434 tport_tsend 0011b665 378 0.7169 su_wait 0006a77c 350 0.6638 msg_header_copy_one_as 00151055 341 0.6467 url_e 00071f0a 335 0.6353 msg_header_name_hash 00125326 335 0.6353 tl_vlen 00123fd6 323 0.6126 tl_get 0006eceb 319 0.6050 msg_header_prepare 000975bf 317 0.6012 incoming_reply 000d5ed4 308 0.5841 signal_call_state_change 0006ffea 282 0.5348 msg_chain_loop 0015022d 281 0.5329 _url_d 000ba655 277 0.5253 nua_stack_event 000bb7f1 272 0.5158 nh_call_pending 0008ae05 263 0.4988 agent_recv_request 0006d6f9 259 0.4912 extract_header 00092cda 254 0.4817 leg_find 0006f345 253 0.4798 msg_serialize 00071fb6 247 0.4684 msg_find_hclass 00116949 239 0.4533 su_home_unref 00116bf5 238 0.4514 su_alloc 00096851 236 0.4476 nta_incoming_complete_response 0014fa4f 233 0.4419 url_canonize2 000e779f 231 0.4381 session_dup 00116f41 231 0.4381 su_block_find 00151a32 228 0.4324 url_xtra 00116769 222 0.4210 su_home_ref 000eaa71 221 0.4191 parse_message 000e671d 220 0.4172 media_dup 000ef1f8 220 0.4172 sdp_printf 00101e96 219 0.4153 soa_base_set_params 000e6fb5 216 0.4096 rtpmap_xtra 001239be 216 0.4096 t_len 00151dd8 200 0.3793 url_dup 0006cec7 198 0.3755 msg_extract 00116c99 198 0.3755 su_free 000f5c10 197 0.3736 sip_name_addr_d 000eeb23 193 0.3660 print_media 000e64e2 192 0.3641 media_xtra 00090692 191 0.3622 nta_leg_tcreate 00125cce 190 0.3603 t_null_next 00123b47 189 0.3584 t_dup 000bb754 187 0.3546 nua_stack_timer 00072e0d 186 0.3527 msg_avlist_d 00125e64 184 0.3489 t_next_next 0009561c 175 0.3319 incoming_find 000d15ba 172 0.3262 respond_to_invite 000e7481 168 0.3186 session_xtra 000e708b 167 0.3167 rtpmap_dup 0009432a 164 0.3110 incoming_htable_next 001417fb 164 0.3110 tport_deliver 000f05b1 158 0.2996 sip_transport_d 00109011 151 0.2864 offer_answer_step 0014f957 150 0.2845 url_canonize 00105d14 149 0.2826 soa_set_sdp 00091ce4 148 0.2807 leg_htable_remove 000e55d4 147 0.2788 connection_xtra 0006aa31 146 0.2769 msg_header_copy_as 000b8c9c 146 0.2769 nua_event 00123a86 143 0.2712 t_xtra 000949f7 142 0.2693 incoming_set_timer 00122657 140 0.2655 bsd_localinfo 00101b77 140 0.2655 soa_set_params 0006f1d1 139 0.2636 msg_header_name_e 0006eb59 137 0.2598 msg_headers_prepare 000efae8 136 0.2579 sip_method_d 00150da2 135 0.2560 url_d 001430c5 134 0.2541 tport_send_msg 000984aa 132 0.2503 incoming_timer 0007053e 132 0.2503 msg_hclass_offset 00094e48 130 0.2465 incoming_htable_remove 000ed738 129 0.2446 next 000ea73c 129 0.2446 sdp_parse 0006dad5 128 0.2427 header_parse 00117d7b 128 0.2427 su_realloc 000ed1da 127 0.2408 parse_descs 0006fd59 126 0.2390 msg_insert_here_in_chain 000ed647 126 0.2390 token 00091ade 124 0.2352 leg_htable_next 0006ad74 124 0.2352 msg_header_dup_as 0011d853 123 0.2333 su_msg_create 00141f5f 123 0.2333 tport_recv_iovec 000bff4e 121 0.2295 nua_stack_process_request 00105af4 121 0.2295 soa_set_activity 000706d9 118 0.2238 append_parsed 000edc4b 116 0.2200 print_session 0008c5f2 115 0.2181 agent_check_request_via 000e5ad0 114 0.2162 time_dup 0006c677 112 0.2124 msg_buf_used 000b87ee 112 0.2124 nua_signal 0012349b 112 0.2124 tl_next 0011861f 111 0.2105 su_home_mutex_lock 0012397d 111 0.2105 tl_len 00146d91 111 0.2105 tport_by_addrinfo 00144fde 109 0.2067 tport_resolve 000e734b 108 0.2048 list_xtra_all 000be5bd 108 0.2048 nh_make_response 00118458 108 0.2048 su_zalloc 00116ed0 107 0.2029 su_is_preloaded 0006bbd0 106 0.2010 msg_buf_exact 00125e01 106 0.2010 t_skip_next 000740b3 105 0.1991 msg_header_update_params 000e562a 104 0.1972 connection_dup 000d0974 104 0.1972 process_invite1 0014a127 104 0.1972 tport_recv_dgram 001066d6 103 0.1953 soa_init_sdp_connection 0006d235 101 0.1915 extract_first 00076166 101 0.1915 msg_list_e 00100788 101 0.1915 sip_add_tl 0006f978 100 0.1896 msg_iovec 000eb4ec 100 0.1896 parse_connection 000724fc 100 0.1896 span_token 00116ab6 100 0.1896 su_home_clone 00093bde 99 0.1877 incoming_create 000972f7 98 0.1859 nta_incoming_mreply 000f6099 98 0.1859 sip_name_addr_e 000f6fde 97 0.1840 sip_contact_d 000ef96a 95 0.1802 span_token 000bc373 94 0.1783 nua_stack_init_handle 000e5394 94 0.1783 origin_dup 001166a3 94 0.1783 su_home_new 00118526 94 0.1783 su_salloc 001081c5 93 0.1764 soa_sdp_upgrade 0006f751 92 0.1745 serialize_one 00070178 90 0.1707 msg_header_add 000f0fa9 90 0.1707 sip_complete_message 00121918 90 0.1707 su_port_run 000734db 89 0.1688 msg_params_dup 000e5300 89 0.1688 origin_xtra 001186a2 89 0.1688 su_home_mutex_unlock 0012667d 89 0.1688 t_str_dup 000654cc 88 0.1669 msg_create 0007546f 87 0.1650 msg_random_token 000ec3d3 86 0.1631 parse_media 0011b050 86 0.1631 su_now 00120596 86 0.1631 su_port_send 0006c1a0 85 0.1612 msg_recv_iovec 000733e7 84 0.1593 msg_params_e 000bb167 84 0.1593 nua_stack_signal 000ef714 84 0.1593 sip_version_d 001009cb 83 0.1574 sip_add_tagis 000f8c1d 83 0.1574 sip_via_e 00123b04 83 0.1574 tl_dup 00072548 82 0.1555 msg_uint32_d 00072d10 82 0.1555 span_param 0011b530 82 0.1555 su_time 0011f7c8 82 0.1555 su_timer_expire 000ed958 81 0.1536 sdp_print 00065975 80 0.1517 msg_addrinfo 00096f82 80 0.1517 nta_incoming_treply 000b8356 80 0.1517 nua_respond 000656b9 79 0.1498 msg_destroy 00073b09 77 0.1460 msg_hostport_d 001206af 77 0.1460 su_port_getmsgs 0012448d 75 0.1422 tl_tgets 00142f2f 75 0.1422 tport_prepare_and_send 00143775 75 0.1422 tport_vsend 000e73b0 74 0.1403 list_dup_all 0007519d 74 0.1403 msg_hash_string 00065ce2 74 0.1403 msghdrtag_dup 000ecac1 74 0.1403 parse_payload 000d100d 74 0.1403 process_invite2 000f1de8 74 0.1403 sip_sanity_check 000f8a0d 74 0.1403 sip_via_d 001240a3 73 0.1384 t_ref_set 00140c71 73 0.1384 tport_wakeup_pri 00123a34 72 0.1365 tl_xtra 00106136 71 0.1346 soa_description_set 00126731 70 0.1328 t_str_xtra 0014788d 70 0.1328 tport_hostport 00125c2f 69 0.1309 tl_vfree 0006b410 68 0.1290 msg_header_make 0006a991 66 0.1252 msg_params_count 00152114 65 0.1233 copy 001175b3 65 0.1233 su_home_deinit 0006d62d 64 0.1214 extract_next 000f913e 64 0.1214 sip_via_update 001063f6 64 0.1214 soa_init_sdp_origin 000851da 64 0.1214 su_time_ms 001414cd 64 0.1214 tport_parse 001453f8 63 0.1195 msg_select_addrinfo 0008cb89 62 0.1176 agent_aliases 00118e08 62 0.1176 su_strdup 0011dc7d 61 0.1157 su_msg_data 00071214 60 0.1138 msg_header_insert 000ecf32 60 0.1138 parse_rtpmap 0011dd93 60 0.1138 su_msg_send 00150963 60 0.1138 url_get_type 000bc9c0 59 0.1119 nua_stack_incoming_handle 00141270 59 0.1119 tport_recv_event 000707fb 58 0.1100 msg_header_add_dup 00065765 58 0.1100 msg_public 000a6679 58 0.1100 nta_check_session_content 0011b0bd 58 0.1100 su_duration 000e5a48 58 0.1100 time_xtra 000f6899 57 0.1081 sip_addr_tag 000f0aed 57 0.1081 span_lws 0014090d 57 0.1081 tport_msg_alloc 0006bb15 56 0.1062 msg_buf_alloc 0006bdce 56 0.1062 msg_buf_commit 000b921c 56 0.1062 nh_create_handle 000ed4d1 56 0.1062 parse_ul 0011dbb5 56 0.1062 su_msg_destroy 000e6ccc 55 0.1043 media_dup_all 000ee187 55 0.1043 print_connection2 0011dfc3 55 0.1043 timers_remove 000e62a0 54 0.1024 attribute_dup 0007233c 54 0.1024 msg_firstline_d 000eb32e 54 0.1024 parse_origin 000e9d08 54 0.1024 sdp_attribute_mode 0011951d 54 0.1024 su_sprintf 000f5967 53 0.1005 sip_status_create 00072691 53 0.1005 span_lws 0012045a 53 0.1005 su_port_lock 000bbc4e 52 0.0986 nh_create 000a6288 52 0.0986 nta_check_method 000a5c4c 52 0.0986 nta_check_required 000eafd5 52 0.0986 post_session 000f5f88 52 0.0986 span_lws 0011fb35 52 0.0986 timers_first 0006e126 51 0.0967 msg_extract_separator 000bcde3 51 0.0967 nh_authorize 000f737c 51 0.0967 sip_contact_dup_one 001204b7 51 0.0967 su_port_decref 0009478a 50 0.0948 incoming_queue 000e6c74 50 0.0948 media_xtra_all 0006573a 50 0.0948 msg_object 000cc525 50 0.0948 nua_registration_by_aor 0010150d 50 0.0948 soa_clone 00141067 50 0.0948 tport_base_wakeup 0006d5e1 49 0.0929 span_token 000f604d 49 0.0929 span_token_lws 0014938b 49 0.0929 tport_canonize_comp 0009328c 48 0.0910 leg_route 0006a8fc 48 0.0910 msg_params_copy 00073310 48 0.0910 msg_params_d 00074224 48 0.0910 msg_params_find 000b9917 48 0.0910 nua_handle_unref 000ef515 48 0.0910 sip_extract_body 00059f6a 48 0.0910 span_ip4_octet 0014a665 48 0.0910 tport_send_dgram 0008ad29 47 0.0891 agent_recv_message 00102721 47 0.0891 soa_get_params 00106f02 47 0.0891 soa_static_set_params 00121f50 47 0.0891 su_getlocalinfo 0011b9a0 47 0.0891 su_port_incref 00094386 46 0.0872 incoming_htable_hash 00092716 46 0.0872 leg_recv 00122c42 46 0.0872 li_name 000ecce3 46 0.0872 parse_media_attr 000e9bf4 46 0.0872 sdp_media_connections 00102a40 46 0.0872 soa_base_get_params 00107a35 46 0.0872 soa_sdp_set_rtpmap_pt 000f655f 45 0.0853 msg_params_dup_xtra 000eb975 45 0.0853 parse_time 0010182b 45 0.0853 soa_base_init 00105979 45 0.0853 soa_is_chat_active 00107840 45 0.0853 soa_sdp_matching 00125e34 45 0.0853 t_skip_dup 00150045 45 0.0853 url_scheme 000e7e21 44 0.0834 sdp_session_dup 00116f28 44 0.0834 su_alloc_check 000948a5 43 0.0815 incoming_is_queued 0006c814 43 0.0815 msg_recv_commit 00065600 43 0.0815 msg_ref_create 000b9900 43 0.0815 nua_handle_ref 0011db6c 43 0.0815 su_msg_save 0013f7be 43 0.0815 su_time_ms 00115ab8 43 0.0815 su_vrecv 0006bf99 42 0.0797 msg_buf_size 0007470c 42 0.0797 msg_params_add 00107f05 42 0.0797 soa_sdp_select_rtpmap 000e620a 41 0.0778 attribute_xtra 00095265 41 0.0778 nta_incoming_tag 000ec92f 41 0.0778 sdp_media_transport 0010591a 41 0.0778 soa_is_video_active 00123ce7 41 0.0778 tl_tlist 000965d4 40 0.0759 incoming_set_params 0008dc28 40 0.0759 nta_msg_create 0009de87 40 0.0759 outgoing_timer 000f7297 40 0.0759 sip_contact_dup_xtra 0008a3d8 40 0.0759 str0casecmp 0011daad 40 0.0759 su_msg_delivery_report 00073ecb 39 0.0740 msg_header_replace_param 000c151c 39 0.0740 nua_dialog_usage_add 0006584e 38 0.0721 msg_get_address 00074455 38 0.0721 msg_params_replace 001045c9 38 0.0721 soa_get_local_sdp 0011b6ee 38 0.0721 su_wait_events 0011e9e5 38 0.0721 timers_append 00123011 37 0.0702 li_sort 0006ea50 37 0.0702 msg_prepare 0006cb2b 37 0.0702 msg_size 000eb199 37 0.0702 sdp_sanity_check 00103cc8 37 0.0702 soa_base_set_capability_sdp 00108ac1 37 0.0702 soa_sdp_mode_set_is_needed 001159ac 37 0.0702 su_soerror 001199af 37 0.0702 su_strlst_create_with 00137ba0 37 0.0702 tport_is_stream 00094c0a 36 0.0683 incoming_reset_timer 00090475 36 0.0683 leg_htable_resize 00065821 36 0.0683 msg_addr 000760d1 36 0.0683 msg_numeric_e 00073643 36 0.0683 msg_params_count 000a6b3a 36 0.0683 nta_check_accept 0008dca8 36 0.0683 nta_msg_create_for_transport 000ec74e 36 0.0683 sdp_media_type 000f63ba 36 0.0683 sip_addr_d 00137b12 36 0.0683 tport_is_primary 0006bf2e 35 0.0664 msg_buf_committed 00105499 35 0.0664 soa_activate 0005a47a 35 0.0664 span_hex4 0011c310 35 0.0664 su_root_magic 0006a9da 34 0.0645 msg_params_copy_xtra 000d6b7a 34 0.0645 session_get_description 000f5b42 34 0.0645 sip_separator_create 0011d99f 34 0.0645 su_port_lock 0011d970 34 0.0645 su_port_unlock 00125eb4 34 0.0645 t_next_len 00095e2d 33 0.0626 incoming_ack 000934cf 33 0.0626 incoming_htable_resize 000948d6 33 0.0626 incoming_remove 00091b3a 33 0.0626 leg_htable_hash 000763b1 33 0.0626 msg_params_count 00065642 33 0.0626 msg_set_parent 000c8086 33 0.0626 nhp_is_any_set 00087ca2 33 0.0626 nta_agent_newtag 000c0f3d 33 0.0626 nua_dialog_store_peer_info 000b1fb2 33 0.0626 nua_handle_bind 000fb47e 33 0.0626 sip_content_type_d 0012885c 33 0.0626 su_randmem 0005b65c 32 0.0607 host_is_local 000ed58b 32 0.0607 parse_ull 000ee3af 32 0.0607 print_time 0006f6df 32 0.0607 serialize_first 000f5742 32 0.0607 sip_status_e 001058e9 32 0.0607 soa_is_audio_active 00059d8c 32 0.0607 span_canonic_ip4_address 0011eeeb 32 0.0607 su_timer_set 00075d9b 31 0.0588 msg_separator_d 000eaa46 31 0.0588 sdp_parser_free 00125d06 31 0.0588 t_null_dup 000cefba 31 0.0588 tag_bool_v 00145e8a 31 0.0588 tport_magic 0006cb11 30 0.0569 msg_has_error 000b9964 30 0.0569 nua_event_name 001414a6 30 0.0569 tport_recv_data 00094d56 29 0.0550 incoming_cut_off 000c0cbc 29 0.0550 nua_dialog_uas_route 000cc9b9 29 0.0550 nua_registration_for_response 000f64cc 29 0.0550 sip_addr_dup_xtra 00116063 29 0.0550 su_getnameinfo 00118cea 29 0.0550 su_home_threadsafe 001404a7 29 0.0550 tport_is_connection_oriented 0006b9f4 28 0.0531 msg_get_flags 00076077 28 0.0531 msg_numeric_d 000762ff 28 0.0531 msg_params_dup_xtra 000edb6a 28 0.0531 sdp_message 000f665a 28 0.0531 sip_addr_dup_one 000f4d48 28 0.0531 sip_request_d 00104736 28 0.0531 soa_init_offer_answer 00116664 28 0.0531 su_hash_alloc 00119305 28 0.0531 su_strndup 00119374 28 0.0531 su_vsprintf 0013b95e 28 0.0531 tport_ref 00065be0 27 0.0512 msghdrtag_xtra 0009537a 27 0.0512 nta_incoming_getrequest 00091f52 27 0.0512 nta_leg_bind 000ee9bf 27 0.0512 print_attributes_without_mode 000edf95 27 0.0512 print_origin 0006b5d6 27 0.0512 span_lws 00116008 27 0.0512 su_getaddrinfo 0011b2e3 27 0.0512 su_time_add 000cf4f4 27 0.0512 tag_str_v 00070bf9 26 0.0493 _msg_header_add_dup_as 00092673 26 0.0493 hash_istring 00122431 26 0.0493 li_scope4 0006cb53 26 0.0493 msg_maxsize 000d2e53 26 0.0493 process_ack 000ea42c 26 0.0493 sdp_media_count 000ea666 26 0.0493 sdp_rtpmap_find_matching 00125ee1 26 0.0493 t_next_dup 000d15ac 26 0.0493 tag_int_v 00141d7a 26 0.0493 tport_base_deliver 00137ae0 26 0.0493 tport_is_master 0006f31a 25 0.0474 msg_chain_tail 000945ca 25 0.0474 nta_incoming_destroy 000c0bd0 25 0.0474 nua_stack_respond 000f6466 25 0.0474 sip_addr_e 000f79e3 25 0.0474 sip_to_tag 00104e54 25 0.0474 soa_generate_answer 001041eb 25 0.0474 soa_get_remote_sdp 00117c3e 25 0.0474 su_home_auto 00137bf7 25 0.0474 tport_is_tcp 0009309a 24 0.0455 dst_find 0006e272 24 0.0455 msg_extract_payload 000f6611 24 0.0455 msg_params_count 000ee91d 24 0.0455 print_attributes 000eca81 24 0.0455 sdp_media_has_rtp 000ea22a 24 0.0455 sdp_media_match 000e8a5b 24 0.0455 sdp_session_cmp 00094720 24 0.0455 set_timeout 000f13ed 24 0.0455 sip_add_dup 000f69e4 24 0.0455 sip_call_id_e 000f7694 24 0.0455 sip_content_length_create 000f78b6 24 0.0455 sip_from_d 0008a7b0 24 0.0455 sip_object 0010419c 24 0.0455 soa_base_set_user_sdp 00104396 24 0.0455 soa_set_remote_sdp 0011b8f9 24 0.0455 su_port_decref 0011a470 24 0.0455 su_strlst_join 00119614 24 0.0455 su_strlst_vcreate_with_by 00137b44 24 0.0455 tport_is_secondary 0009447f 23 0.0436 incoming_callback 000918e0 23 0.0436 leg_insert 0006977d 23 0.0436 msg_content_disposition_d 00075ee8 23 0.0436 msg_generic_d 0009213f 23 0.0436 nta_leg_rtag 0009e36f 23 0.0436 outgoing_timer_bf 000edf67 23 0.0436 print_version 000f69a0 23 0.0436 sip_call_id_d 000941f6 23 0.0436 sip_from_copy 00103bea 23 0.0436 soa_set_capability_sdp 00109edd 23 0.0436 soa_static_generate_answer 0011a03c 23 0.0436 su_strlst_append 0013b9a8 23 0.0436 tport_unref 001224b7 22 0.0417 li_scope6 0006ca53 22 0.0417 msg_clear_committed 00069805 22 0.0417 msg_content_disposition_e 0006ca86 22 0.0417 msg_mark_as_complete 00072449 22 0.0417 msg_token_d 000d3c55 22 0.0417 set_session_timer 000f6d5a 22 0.0417 sip_is_cseq 000f8e5a 22 0.0417 sip_is_via 000f8934 22 0.0417 sip_to_e 001040be 22 0.0417 soa_set_user_sdp 0005ad1e 22 0.0417 span_ip6_reference 00120498 22 0.0417 su_port_incref 00120479 22 0.0417 su_port_unlock 001264db 22 0.0417 t_ptr_ref_set 000d37ec 21 0.0398 init_session_timer 00075e41 21 0.0398 msg_separator_e 00091f9b 21 0.0398 nta_leg_tag 000c21ec 21 0.0398 nua_dialog_usage_no_refresh 000ea4f5 21 0.0398 sdp_media_uses_rtp 000edbdb 21 0.0398 sdp_printer_free 000f15a9 21 0.0398 sip_contact_create 000faf99 21 0.0398 sip_has_feature 00108849 21 0.0398 soa_sdp_reject_is_needed 00116037 21 0.0398 su_freeaddrinfo 0011e7c1 21 0.0398 su_timer_set_interval 0013ba24 21 0.0398 tport_incref 000850ad 20 0.0379 agent_timer 0005b48d 20 0.0379 host_is_ip4_address 000d08dd 20 0.0379 nua_stack_process_invite 000d6e09 20 0.0379 session_include_description 000941aa 20 0.0379 sip_call_id_copy 000f11f3 20 0.0379 sip_object 000f5a2b 20 0.0379 sip_payload_create 0010629a 20 0.0379 soa_description_dup 0011bbf7 20 0.0379 su_task_timers 00115a54 20 0.0379 su_vsend 00125e25 20 0.0379 t_skip_len 00102713 20 0.0379 tag_bool_vr 00123f17 20 0.0379 tl_find 0013ba3b 20 0.0379 tport_decref 00091a63 19 0.0360 leg_htable_insert 0009555a 19 0.0360 nta_incoming_status 000b9ce0 19 0.0360 nua_callstate_name 000e5278 19 0.0360 sdp_media_dup_all 000e8868 19 0.0360 sdptag_session_xtra 000f678b 19 0.0360 sip_addr_update 001044fd 19 0.0360 soa_clear_remote_sdp 0011de2a 19 0.0360 su_port_send 0011eb2a 19 0.0360 timers_balance_insert 00075f7a 18 0.0341 msg_generic_dup_xtra 000e88c0 18 0.0341 sdptag_session_dup 000f6c67 18 0.0341 sip_cseq_d 000f5aff 18 0.0341 sip_header_data 0009678e 17 0.0322 incoming_set_compartment 00091bb8 17 0.0322 nta_leg_destroy 000c1ff7 17 0.0322 nua_dialog_usage_refresh_range 000c1a20 17 0.0322 nua_dialog_usage_remove_at 000f957b 17 0.0322 sip_via_port 0005a1c0 17 0.0322 span_canonic_ip6_address 0005ae95 17 0.0322 span_ip_address 0011b284 17 0.0322 su_t64_to_time 0011bbc7 17 0.0322 su_task_root 0008739e 17 0.0322 tag_ptr_v 00150929 17 0.0322 url_type_is_opaque 0015496d 17 0.0322 urltag_dup 0008a7cc 16 0.0303 nta_tpn_by_via 000c1352 16 0.0303 nua_dialog_usage_at 0009e827 16 0.0303 outgoing_mass_destroy 000ec20b 16 0.0303 parse_session_attr 000eaa10 16 0.0303 sdp_parsing_error 000f78e3 16 0.0303 sip_from_e 000f57da 16 0.0303 sip_is_status 000faab0 16 0.0303 sip_supported_e 0008a8a7 16 0.0303 sip_via_transport 00105948 16 0.0303 soa_is_image_active 000868c5 16 0.0303 str0cmp 0010704e 16 0.0303 tag_str_vr 00086a35 16 0.0303 tag_uint_v 0014a70c 16 0.0303 tport_is_connection_oriented 001548dc 16 0.0303 urltag_xtra 00069937 15 0.0284 msg_is_content_disposition 000762d8 15 0.0284 msg_list_dup_xtra 000c192e 15 0.0284 nua_dialog_usage_remove 0009e666 15 0.0284 outgoing_timer_dk 000fb55c 15 0.0284 sip_content_type_e 0009415e 15 0.0284 sip_record_route_copy 000f9c60 15 0.0284 sip_subject_d 00106eeb 15 0.0284 soa_static_deinit 0011e95c 15 0.0284 su_timer_set0 001026f7 15 0.0284 tag_str_vr 00137c14 15 0.0284 tport_is_reliable 0005b513 14 0.0266 host_ip6_reference 0005b4d0 14 0.0266 host_is_ip6_address 000991e3 14 0.0266 incoming_mass_destroy 000ce5b9 14 0.0266 nua_session_usage_add 000d5cfe 14 0.0266 nua_stack_process_bye 000ea9d3 14 0.0266 sdp_session 000f79bc 14 0.0266 sip_from_tag 000f793a 14 0.0266 sip_is_from 00100338 14 0.0266 sip_now 00107409 14 0.0266 soa_static_set_user_sdp 001220f0 14 0.0266 su_freelocalinfo 00121f39 14 0.0266 su_port_timers 00086978 14 0.0266 tag_str_vr 000943c0 13 0.0247 incoming_htable_insert 000953c1 13 0.0247 nta_incoming_getrequest_ackcancel 000ccc03 13 0.0247 nua_registration_add_contact_to_response 000d27cd 13 0.0247 process_ack_or_cancel 000ea325 13 0.0247 sdp_media_match_with 000f75db 13 0.0247 sip_content_length_d 000f7a0a 13 0.0247 sip_max_forwards_d 000d26a8 13 0.0247 siptag_supported_v 00145fe7 13 0.0247 tport_name 0007034f 12 0.0228 _msg_chain_head 000c1f6c 12 0.0228 nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh 000ccca8 12 0.0228 nua_registration_add_contact_and_route 000f765f 12 0.0228 sip_is_content_length 0009187a 12 0.0228 siptag_from_vr 00104fab 12 0.0228 soa_base_generate_answer 0010700b 12 0.0228 str0casecmp 00123be7 12 0.0228 tl_adup 00145eb5 12 0.0228 tport_parent 0009443b 11 0.0209 incoming_htable_is_full 00073eaa 11 0.0209 msg_fragment_clear 000d440c 11 0.0209 nsession_destroy 00095234 11 0.0209 nta_incoming_bind 000c1efd 11 0.0209 nua_dialog_usage_set_expires 0009d2d7 11 0.0209 outgoing_queue_init 000f6aa1 11 0.0209 sip_call_id_dup_one 000f6a43 11 0.0209 sip_call_id_dup_xtra 000f7199 11 0.0209 sip_contact_e 000f6ce9 11 0.0209 sip_cseq_e 000c0bc2 11 0.0209 siptag_user_agent_v 00104474 11 0.0209 soa_base_set_remote_sdp 00108cc5 11 0.0209 str0cmp 00102dbb 11 0.0209 tag_bool_v 00095b64 10 0.0190 addr_match 000962d3 10 0.0190 incoming_call_callback 00075f0e 10 0.0190 msg_generic_e 000c0def 10 0.0190 nua_dialog_is_established 000b86f9 10 0.0190 nua_handle_destroy 000ed0f4 10 0.0190 parse_fmtp 000f7508 10 0.0190 sip_contact_update 000fb32c 10 0.0190 sip_content_disposition_d 000f7608 10 0.0190 sip_content_length_e 000f898b 10 0.0190 sip_is_to 00106365 10 0.0190 soa_description_free 0010a05b 10 0.0190 soa_static_activate 0010705c 10 0.0190 soa_static_get_params 0005a08b 10 0.0190 span_ip4_address 00137bbd 10 0.0190 tport_is_dgram 001527dc 10 0.0190 url_is_string 0005b56d 9 0.0171 host_is_ip_address 00094641 9 0.0171 incoming_queue_init 00070b83 9 0.0171 msg_header_add_dup_as 000ee10a 9 0.0171 print_connection 000d6b6c 9 0.0171 sdptag_session_v 000d6f00 9 0.0171 session_make_description 000ba475 9 0.0171 sip_from_init 000941d0 9 0.0171 sip_to_copy 000f8907 9 0.0171 sip_to_d 0008f8c1 9 0.0171 sip_to_dup 000bcdac 9 0.0171 sip_to_init 000d0fff 9 0.0171 siptag_user_agent_v 00101a93 9 0.0171 soa_destroy 00106ec4 9 0.0171 soa_static_init 001073d2 9 0.0171 soa_static_set_remote_sdp 00119e58 9 0.0171 su_strlst_increase 000bcd76 9 0.0171 tag_uint_v 0005b52a 8 0.0152 host_is_ip6_reference 00095173 8 0.0152 incoming_reclaim_queued 00091b74 8 0.0152 leg_htable_is_full 0009222f 8 0.0152 nta_leg_server_route 000fa334 8 0.0152 sip_user_agent_e 0008a78a 8 0.0152 sip_via_copy 001055dd 8 0.0152 soa_base_activate 001073a5 8 0.0152 soa_static_set_capability_sdp 001185ee 8 0.0152 su_home_is_threadsafe 001521a9 8 0.0152 url_hdup 000bed26 7 0.0133 incoming_contact 000991bb 7 0.0133 incoming_free_queue 000fa855 7 0.0133 sip_allow_e 00086908 7 0.0133 sip_contact_dup 000d6ed9 7 0.0133 sip_header_insert 000fa8ac 7 0.0133 sip_is_allow 000f7262 7 0.0133 sip_is_contact 0005a19f 7 0.0133 span_ip6_address 0010fdfd 7 0.0133 sres_resolver_timer 00126325 7 0.0133 t_bool_ref_set 00094242 6 0.0114 incoming_insert 00095053 6 0.0114 incoming_reclaim 000981b0 6 0.0114 incoming_retransmit_reply 000cca89 6 0.0114 nua_registration_contact 001026db 6 0.0114 sdptag_session_vr 000917b4 6 0.0114 sip_contact_init 000d6fcf 6 0.0114 sip_content_type_make 000b97be 6 0.0114 siptag_from_vr 000c0bb4 6 0.0114 siptag_supported_v 00113f67 6 0.0114 sres_cache_clean 000f1857 6 0.0114 su_strlst_home 00126247 6 0.0114 t_uint_ref_set 0008695c 6 0.0114 tag_bool_vr 000bbf29 5 0.0095 nh_append 000ce5f5 5 0.0095 nua_session_usage_remove 000ee03d 5 0.0095 print_subject 0008f89b 5 0.0095 sip_call_id_dup 00094184 5 0.0095 sip_cseq_copy 000fab07 5 0.0095 sip_is_supported 00091837 5 0.0095 sip_is_to 0008fd88 5 0.0095 sip_route_init 000b9753 5 0.0095 siptag_to_v 00102698 5 0.0095 str0casecmp 00117335 5 0.0095 su_home_init 00120550 5 0.0095 su_port_wakeup 0008522b 4 0.0076 agent_now 000bc991 4 0.0076 nh_is_special 000bbfd4 4 0.0076 nua_stack_destroy_handle 000fa38b 4 0.0076 sip_is_user_agent 000be5a1 4 0.0076 sip_object 0009421c 4 0.0076 sip_request_copy 000918a4 4 0.0076 siptag_cseq_vr 000bb724 4 0.0076 su_msg_is_non_null 0011bc2a 4 0.0076 su_port_timers 00126185 4 0.0076 t_int_ref_set 001070e6 4 0.0076 tag_str_v 0011e6b7 4 0.0076 timers_right_rotate 0008a41b 3 0.0057 agent_tport_via 00075fd8 3 0.0057 msg_generic_dup_one 000763fa 3 0.0057 msg_list_dup_one 000bc02c 3 0.0057 nh_remove 000bc2d9 3 0.0057 nua_creq_deinit 000f1831 3 0.0057 sip_contact_make 000b9055 3 0.0057 su_msg_is_non_null 00119e41 3 0.0057 su_strlst_destroy 00102daf 3 0.0057 tag_uint_v 0011e2a8 3 0.0057 timers_balance_delete 00091eef 2 0.0038 leg_free 000bc0fb 2 0.0038 nh_destroy 000fb359 2 0.0038 sip_content_disposition_e 000d6fa9 2 0.0038 sip_content_disposition_make 000b9085 2 0.0038 sip_object 000c0ba6 2 0.0038 siptag_allow_v 001157ee 2 0.0038 sres_sofia_timer 000d26c4 2 0.0038 tag_str_vr 0011e5ab 2 0.0038 timers_left_rotate 0013f28a 2 0.0038 tport_tick 000eb447 1 0.0019 parse_subject 00102d85 1 0.0019 sdptag_session_v 000fc990 1 0.0019 sip_event_d 0008f8e7 1 0.0019 sip_from_dup 000cef9e 1 0.0019 sip_object 0009186c 1 0.0019 siptag_call_id_vr 000b9745 1 0.0019 siptag_from_v 00091896 1 0.0019 siptag_route_vr 000bcd90 1 0.0019 siptag_to_v 00101b6d 1 0.0019 soa_base_deinit 00105747 1 0.0019 soa_terminate 00100ecc 1 0.0019 su_debug_9 00126be5 1 0.0019 su_log_init 00102d93 1 0.0019 tag_int_v 00102da1 1 0.0019 tag_str_v 00102705 1 0.0019 tag_uint_vr 0014af75 1 0.0019 tport_stream_init_primary 000bcd82 1 0.0019 urltag_url_v 000b97da 1 0.0019 urltag_url_vr